Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Vista Elks Club 5/17-20


The Vice President, Steve Smith, called the meeting to order and led the members in the Pledge of Allegience. Members in attendance were Steve and Mary Lee Smith, Bob and Teddie Obteyndt, Russ Himmer, Dave and Cindy Long and Greg and Debbie Murrell. Guests of the Murrells were John Talbott and Naz Alderson.

The minutes of the last meeting in October in Hurricane, Utah were approved as reported in the blog. The previous Treasurer reported that the balance remained $1791.02. There was no income or expenses since the last meeting.

There was no Old or New Business.

Greg and Steve led discussion about the need for more outings.  Debbie reported that our associate members, Patty and Bob Usher volunteered for hosting an outing September 20-24 at the Vail Lake KOA, near Temecula. 

Steve and Mary Lee Smith volunteered to host the Christmas Party. (After the meeting, Russ and Rusty Himmer also volunteered to host the Party in hopes to see members in San Diego that no longer have motorhomes. The Smiths graciously agreed.)

The 5 minute meeting was then adjourned.

Debbie Murrell


September 20-24      Vail Lake KOA, Temecula     Hosted by Patty and Bob Usher

December (date to be determined) by Russ and Rusty Himmer, La Mesa


It was great to get out and see our friends after so long a time, since we all stayed "safe" in the last year. The weather was mostly cloudy and cool, even inland in Vista. The Vista Elks Club has an established campground with about 30 full hookup sites.  We used the covered patio tables and firepit with their free firewood. Six rigs were parked next to the group facilities: Russ and Rusty Himmer, Steve and Mary Lee Smith (in their new to them motorhome!), Dave and Cindy Long (on Day 1 of their 6 month trip), Bob and Teddie Obteyndt, Greg and Debbie Murrell and their Clairemont neighbors Bill Talbot and Naz Alderson.  The President and Sec/Treas, Walt and Pam Rose were traveling out of state in their motorhome.  After Greg hung the club banner printed with "Ask me about our Rockwood Club" another couple joined us at meals and fireside.  Lucy and Joe along with John and Naz would like to join our club.  They are in the process of joining FMCA. 

The new "simplified" form of hosting was used by the Murrells.  The first evening was Heavy Appetizers, second evening was Potluck and the 3rd evening was a group meal at the Elks Club where they served off a menu from hamburgers to steak.  The Karaoke singing was not always so good 😮so we moved into the bar to eat.

Around the fire every night.

Open House at the Smith's new rig.

Dinner in the Elk's Lodge bar (3 tables)

An artist painting the stable.

Joe and Lucy-guests. (Bob's photo)

Amazing Bird of Paradise. (Bob's photo)

Teddie at the Ranch. (Bob photo)

On the first day most of us went to the Leo Carrillo Ranch State Historical Park in Carlsbad. Leo Carrillo was a movie star that was known for his role as the Cisco Kid in many old cowboy movies. The Murrells and Smiths had been there before, but many years ago.  Since then many more outbuildings have been restored and the grounds have been more fully developed and manicured. It was a beautiful setting in a small valley with housing all around, but out of sight. The history of the ranch,  subsequent purchase by Carrillo in 1937 and since then was interesting.  A suggestion of the Rancho Guajome Adobe in the County Regional Park in Oceanside was made for Wednesday. 

The last Happy Hour was in the Smith's Open House for their new Motorhome.  They served champagne as we all helped to celebrate their new home on wheels.

Our goodbyes on Thursday were first to Dave and Cindy Long as they left for the next of many stops on the beginning of their 6 month travels. Then The Obteyndts to Alpine, Himmers to La Mesa, Smiths to Huntington Beach and and Murrells and John and Naz to Clairemont. Until the next outing in Temecula in September or earlier if anyone gets ambitious?

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