Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Sweetwater Summit in Bonita, CA April 28 - May 1, 2016

President's Report

I may be repeating myself but we started our new year out with a great January rally at Quartzsite, Az.  Even though this was a no host rally, it turned out to be a very enjoyable time.

The February rally was held at Buelton, Flying Flags RV Resort hosted by the Yanoff's and Escamilla's again a great time was had by all.

Our March rally was hosted by the Chetelat's at Fountain of Youth RV resort in Niland, CA. Unfortunately we were unable to attend but understand a great time was had by all.

April rally was held at Sweetwater Summit County Campground, Bonita, CA.   Thanks to Debbie and Greg Murrell for the quick shift from Oak Creek RV resort (who was unable to accommodate our size of group) to Sweetwater. A special thanks to you two for your quick reaction and a great rally.

All in all our rally schedule has been very successful and on behalf of our group, I want to thank all you for all your hard work.

Steve Smith

Sweetwater Summit Regional Park
Bonita, CA
April 30, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 6:15 P.M. by President Steve Smith who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members in attendance:  Rich and Linda Strobel, Nick and Ramona Escamilla, Bill and Sandy Vargo, Dennis and Paulette Kotan, Hal and Cookie Ringhand, Jerry and Linda Chetelet, Mac and Nita McAfee, Greg and Debbie Murrell, Walt and Pam Rose and Steve and Mary Lee Smith.

Debbie read the minutes from the last meeting at Buellton.  Nita moved to approve them and it was seconded by Linda S.

Treasurers Report:  We have a balance of $3641.34 in the treasury.  Mary Lee reported that she had talked to the President of the local B of A regarding the future $16. service fee if our balance falls below $3000.  The President said that since we were longtime members if we ever received a service fee that we are to call and they would deduct it from our account.
There are 21 coaches in Rockwood West counting the Vargos and Bill Pruitt.

National Directors Report:  Nick reported he had received the ballot for the National Director of FMCA.

Old Business:  None

Newsletter Report:  Debbie reported that no one had sent her anything.  Please send "Wagon Masters" Report, pictures, etc. to Debbie so she doesn't need to keep reminding everyone.

New Business:  Ramona asked for a show of hands to see how many were interested in a "Rally Destinations" list of sites in S. California, Nevada and Arizona.  She said that she would print some and hand them out to those who wanted one.

Rally Schedule:  The next scheduled rally will be Nov. 10th to Nov. 13th at Santee Lakes hosted by the Kotans.

Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Linda S.  Meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M.

April 28-May 1
Sweetwater Summit County Campground, Bonita, CA
Wagonmaster’s Report - Murrells

After almost canceling this rally one week before the scheduled arrival date, we felt everything went pretty well!  For those of you that didn't know, the original campground (booked in first week of February) notified us that they did not have room for so many large motorhomes.  Our first thought was we would have to cancel the rally.  But a friend encouraged us to attempt to find another campground, within 7 days, for 11 rigs.  Luckily, it all came together!

Oh, look!  We are eating!

Our Crafty Leader showing us how to make resin filled bezels.
Anyway, we had a fun time, as always.  The weather made for a damp breakfast one morning after a short spurt of sprinkles but otherwise was good.  The nights were chilly so we went to our coaches soon after the evening meals, since we did not have a room at this campground.  However, we had a good craft session with Linda making resin filled bezels.  Some people went to the Imperial Beach community garage sale and came back with a lot of “good loot”.  The food was good as usual, as yummy things kept coming out of the RVs.  Probably the most attention getting item was the sighting of a rattlesnake in the brush between 2 member’s rigs!

We had such a good turnout of members:  Kotans, MacAfees, Chetelats, Strobels, Escamillas, Roses, Vargos, Ringhands, Smiths, Opteyndts, Murrells and Russ Himmer showed up for the potluck.  

FYI  Several members are meeting between Cody, WY and the east entrance to Yellowstone at the Yellowstone Valley Inn/RV Park June 20-26.  Each member has made their own reservation.  Let the Murrells know if anyone else is interested.

Fountain of Youth March 24-27, 2016

 Wagon master Report

The March 24-27,2016 rally was held at the Fountain of Youth RV resort in Nilanda CA. It was

hosted by Gerry & Linda Chetelat. In attendance were 4 additional rigs, the Vargos, the Kotans,

the Strobels & the Escamillas. The weather was most cooperative; mild temperatures and very

little wind. We visited the local and ever popular Bombay Beach, Salvation Mountain and Slab

City, where Nick spotted a garage sale, well, it kinda looked like one. Alas we did not stop to

check it out.

The evenings of appetizers and the pot luck dinner was as abundant as always. For crafts we

created resin filled bezels that turned out so well, we decided to make them again at the next rally.

We hope everyone had a good time. We parted ways: some of us not for long as the Vargos,

Kotans, Escamillas and ourselves attended the Del Pacifico rally at the Circle K RV Resort in El

Cajon. They are a fun group and enjoyed the time we spent with their club in hopes of a merger.

It was discuss at their meeting and was left at you invite us, we'll invite you decision.Hopefully

they will at some future date join us.

No club meeting was held.

Buelton Rally Feb 26-28

Meeting Minutes

Flying Flags RV Resort
Buellton, CA
Feb. 27, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 10:30 A.M. and the president led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members in attendance:  Rich and Linda Stroebel, Dennis and Paulette Kotan, Nick and Ramona Escamilla, Jim and June Cheshire, Henry and Lucille Yanoff and Steve and Mary Lee Smith.

Motion was made by Ramona to approve the minutes from the last meeting and seconded by Lucille.

Treasurers Report:  $3441.34 in the account.  Mary Lee reported that the Bank of America had sent the club a letter stating that a monthly service charge of $16.00 would be charged to the account if the balance falls below $3000. We decided to look into credit unions to see if we could do better although our balance doesn't usually fall below $3000. Paulette made the motion and Lucille seconded it.

Old Business:  Dennis suggested we have an anniversary dinner at a rally paid for by the club like we did last year. He thought we should start doing this annually. Ramona made the motion and Paulette seconded it and it was approved.

National Directors Report:  None

New Business:  Dennis motioned that we reduce the annual dues from $15. to $10.a year starting next year.  Nick seconded and it was approved.

Steve thanked the Yanoffs and Escamillas for putting on the rally and talked about hosting rallies. Chetelets are hosting one over Easter weekend at Fountain of Youth RV Park in Niland, Murrells are doing one in April. The Kotans volunteered to do Santee Lakes in November.  Cheshires said they would look into hosting a rally at Coarsegold next May (2017).  The Christmas party will be in Huntington Beach at both the Escamilla and Smiths houses.

Dennis made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Ramona and the meeting adjourned at 10:45Meeting Minutes

Wagon Master Report

Buellton was a great rally. The weather was ideal. Those attending were: June and Jim Cheshire, Paulette and Dennis Kotan, Mary Lee and Steve Smith, Linda and Rich Strobel, Lucille and Henry Yanoff and Ramona and Nick Escamilla. Thursday night we went to a really nice steak restaurant. Everyone had a terrific meal!

Friday, many day trips were taken around the beautiful countryside. Some great pastries and ice cream were eaten in Solvang. As always, there was a great Happy Hour with food Friday night.
We had a very nice hosted breakfast on Saturday morning. Some people went for a drive to Jalama Beach and most had a Jalama Burger. Yummmm! Others stayed at the park and did a lot of visiting. Saturday night we had a terrific potluck. Afterwards we played the Newlywed Game. Lucille was the Hostess. Everyone had a great time and there were lots of laughs. Paulette and Dennis were the winners and Linda and Rich brought up the rear.

Sunday was a Continental Breakfast. Farewell to all and safe travels. Another successful rally!