Saturday, December 3, 2011


I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and didn't eat too much turkey.  The year is quickly coming to a close.  A big thank you to everyone for your help and support during the year, the chapter couldn't survive without you.  I'm looking forward to 2012 and all the outings already planned.  Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe and sane New Years.


Lake Elsinore West Marina and RV Resort
Lake Elsinore, CA
November 19, 2011
The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by president Paulette Kotan.
Members in attendance:  Gerry and Lin Chetelat, Nick and Ramona Escamilla, Russ and Pat Himmer, Dennis and Paulette Kotan, Hal and Cookie Ringhand and Steve and Marylee Smith
A motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as they appeared in the blog made by Ramona, seconded by Cookie.  The motion carried.
Treasurer's report:  $2,616.54 on hand.  Motion to accept by Pat, seconded by Marylee.  The motion carried.
National Director's report:  The national director was not present but Paulette reminded us of FMCA's plight and their loss of revenue due to the decline in membership.  Brad Koshland resigned as the executive director of FMCA effective November 30, 2011.
New business:  None
Old business:  Paulette reported she had made 12 reservations for the group for the Indio rally in January.  She also asked everyone to contact Greg and Debbie and let them know whether or not you will be attending the Quartzsite rally in January so they can locate a space large enough for the group.  Lin reminded everyone that annual dues are due by December 31.  If you haven't paid your dues, please send a check to Linda Chetelat, 4205 Middlesex Dr., San Diego, CA 92116.
Motion to adjourn by Ramona, seconded by Pat.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 10:13 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda Chetelat

January 11-15     WMHA Rally, Indio
January 18-23     Dome Rock BLM, Quartzsite hosted by Greg and Debbie Murrell
March TBA        hosted by Ringhand and Rose
April 27-29         Chula Vista RV Resort hosted by Gerry and Linda Chetelat
May 25-28          Boulder Creek RV Resort, Lone Pine hosted by Nick and Ramona Escamilla
June 10-16          North Rim-Grand Canyon arranged by Dennis and Paulette Kotan

We had six coaches attend the rally at Lake Elsinore plus the Smiths brought their son Scott and grandsons Trevor and Hunter.  Even through it threatened to rain we didn't have any but it was cool, perfect soup weather.
Friday night heavy happy hour was followed by a rousing game of Farkle.

Saturday morning was breakfast of scrambled eggs, hash browns, sausage and either tortillas or english muffins.

Linda, Cookie and Pat helped prepare breakfast.
The breakfast line.

We were sharing the room with a Gulfstream group so we had our meeting outside on the patio.  It was cool and windy so we had a very short meeting so we could get back inside where it was warm.
After the meeting Linda got the craft projects set up and the ladies made several necklaces and trivets using corks donated by Greg.

During the afternoon Nita and Mac joined us.  Their coach was in the shop so they couldn't camp with us.
For dinner there were 7 pots of homemade soup and fresh garlic bread for us to sample and enjoy.
The winner for the best tasting soup was Linda with her zucchini soup.  She won a bottle of wine (not 2 buck Chuck) for her efforts.
After dinner we had a Farkle tournament.  Nita was in the lead but had to leave so Russ took her place and eventually won.  Pat was second and Cookie won the boobie prize for the lowest score.
At the mid-point in the tournament we stopped for dessert of either banana splits or sundaes.  Yum!

On Sunday we had breakfast of muffins, strudel and raisin bread followed by goodbyes.
Thanks to everyone who helped us with the rally.  
Paulette and Dennis