Sunday, May 23, 2010

Here are some more pictures taken at the Gibby house. There was so much stuff there it was impossible to see it all in one trip or take pictures of everything.



It looks like the winter/spring Rockwood West rally season is over. I'll have to admit I'll miss it! I know everyone had a wonderful time on all the great rallies, we were blessed with good weather, good locations, good food and great camaraderie.

I'm sure next year will be just as good with all the wonderful people in our chapter to make it happen! March and April are already taken for 2011 so if you have a special month you would like to host a rally, sign up now before it gets taken.

A big thanks to hosts Mac and Nita McAfee and their assistants Nick and Ramona Escamilla for putting on a very enjoyable rally in Bakersfield, what a great location. The weather really did cooperate and the food, mmmm good and plentiful.

I am looking forward to seeing you all in October if not sooner. Have a great summer.

Rich Strobel, president


Orange Grove RV Park, Bakersfield, CA
May 8, 2010

The meeting was called to order by the president Rich Strobel. He led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Members in attendance: Gerry and Linda Chetelat, Nick and Ramona Escamilla, Russ and Pat Himmer, Dennis and Paulette Kotan, Mac and Nita McAfee, Hal and Cookie Ringhand, Rich and Linda Strobel and Bill and Sandy Vargo. Guests were Cookie's cousin Vi and her friend Don.

Motion to approve the minutes from the April meeting was posted in the chapter blog made by Pat and seconded by Ramona. The motion carried.

The treasurer reported a balance of $2,634.35 after a deposit of $6.00. Motion to approve the treasurer's report made by Paulette and seconded by Hal. The motion carried.

There was no national director's report.

New business:

Rich asked how many were planning on attending the FMCA convention in Redmond. Nick said he would represent the chapter if the national director does not attend the convention if he and Ramona decide to go.

Cookie provided additional information about the october outing. We will be filling bags with silly or good items - contact Cookie or Wendy for more information. Cookie also advised us that Wendy has been in contact with the California Chapter and all of our members will be parked together during the Oktoberfest 2010 rally.

A big thanks went out to the hosts for a great outing.

Paulette asked if everyone likes the blog. Yes!

Nita said Lenny and Gloria were unable to attend the rally because Lenny had to have surgery resulting from an old war injury.

Nick said Karenann will have surgery again and expects a full recovery. He also informed us the Bartletts have moved to Prescott.

Nick will check into having a rally in May 2010 in the Big Pine area.

Paulette made a motion to adjourn the meeting seconded by Ramona. The motion carried.


Once again Bakersfield proved to be a busy and entertaining location. Nine coaches attended this year's rally. Orange Grove RV Park surprised us with a newly refurbished kitchen which was both beautiful and very functional. That was a real pleasure for the co-hosts. As always we ate very well.

You don't need to call this group twice for breakfast. On Friday morning the McAfees and Escamillas outdid themselves with scrambled eggs, ham, toast and juice.

On Friday afternoon some of the ladies made his and her's bibs.

After all the bibs were made the ladies had a fashion show so everyone could see their handiwork.

On Friday evening we enjoyed premium steaks and chicken provided by the chapter to celebrate Rockwood West's 22nd anniversary. Members provided side dishes and a dessert of killer chocolate cake and ice cream topped off the evening. Our president called a rousing game of bingo and the big winners were Dennis, Paulette, Linda S. and Nick. You can see some of the money being waved around.

On Saturday afternoon four carloads of travelers drove to Taft to visit friends of the Kotan's, Jerry and Louise Gibby to see their vast collection of Taft oilfield and farm memorabilia collected over the last 40 years. They have obtained old building materials from neighboring farms and fields and used them to construct buildings in the back yard to house their many collections. There are hundreds of items all over the place. This place rivaled any local museum and we were all enthralled with his collection stories and big finds. Their collection was featured on Huell Houser's "California Gold" and will again be featured in the next year. What a great treat, thanks Dennis and Paulette.

Saturday evening 8 of us returned to the Noriega Hotel for another endless dinner. The food was delicious and so filling. The other 10 visited the Buck Owen's "Crystal Palace" to enjoy dinner and country music. Everyone came home full and happy.

Our weather was fabulous and the company was too. We thank everyone for your delicious culinary contributions and the great camaraderie. We wish you all a great and safe summer.

Mac and Nita McAfee, wagonmasters


September 30-October 3 California Chapter Oktoberfest 2010 at Golden Village Palms RV Resort, Hemet
NOTE: There are a limited number of sites reserved for this outing so if you are planning on going make sure you get your reservation in as soon as possible.

October 8-10 Golden Village Palms RV Resort, Hemet hosted by Holloways and Ringhands

November 5-7 Pismo Coast RV Village hosted by Holloways


March 2-9 Death Valley National Park unhosted by Kotans

April 1-3 Chula Vista RV Resort hosted by Chetelats


If you would like to follow the camping adventures of Greg and Debbie Murrell log onto their blog at