Tuesday, December 2, 2014

First I would like to thank Paulette and Dennis for putting on another great rally.  Santee Lakes is a beautiful park and is relatively close to all of us.  Thank you Greg for bringing everything for the nice fires which provided us with more time to visit.  Linda C introduced Bob and Teddie Opteyndt to our group and they have now joined FMCA and Rockwood West.  WELCOME BOB AND TEDDIE!
I would like to expand on Paulette's good news that FMCA has re-introduced the FMCAssist insurance.  This is an excellent plan that has been included with the membership at no additional cost.  Highlights of the FMCAssist include emergency evacuation, emergency medical reunion, return of mortal remains, return of dependents, RV/vehicle return (in North America), and pet return.  This coverage is available to FMCA members anywhere in the world as long as you are more than 100 miles from home and you don't have to be in a motorhome.  You can be traveling in a car, plane, ship, motorcycle or even by foot.  More information is available on the FMCA webpage (www.fmca.com)  Please note this coverage is available to former members of FMCA who no longer own a motorhome, their old "F" number will be restored as an "A" number.  They are eligible to rejoin FMCA as Associate members.  There is nowhere else where this coverage is available for our cost of FMCA membership.
See ya in December,
Steve Smith, president

Santee Lakes Recreation Preserve
November 15, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by president Steve Smith who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members attending:  Linda and Gerry Chetelat, Ramona and Nick Escamilla, Russ Himmer, Paulette and Dennis Kotan, Debbie and Greg Murrell, Cookie and Hal Ringhand, Mary Lee and Steve Smith, Linda and Rich Strobel and Sandy and Bill Vargo.
A motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting was made by Ramona.  The motion was seconded and approved.
National director's report:  Paulette reported FMCA needs to recruit members and if everyone recruited just 1 new member the cost of the FMCAssist program would be covered for another year.  Effective October 1, 2014 the FMCAssist program was again included in the annual membership dues for all full members, life members and family associate members.  This is an excellent benefit as this coverage is available to all FMCA members anywhere in the world and you don't need to be traveling in a motorhome or even own one.
Treasurer's report:  Mary Lee reported a balance of $2,000.29 in the account.  She said the Rockwood West annual dues ($15) are now due and payable.  Linda S made a motion to approve the treasurer's report.  The motion was seconded and approved.
Old business:  none
New business:  Bernie and Carol Juliar are hosting a "Quartzite Outing" January 17-25, 2015.  In February or March the Murrells will host a rally.  The McAfees may possibly host a rally in April.  Steve received an invitation from Silent Valley near Idlewild and will check into hosting a rally there or at the Colorado River.  Yucaipa Regional park was also suggested as a rally site.  Wendy and Paulette will again represent Rockwood West at the Chapter Fair during the Western Area Rally in Indio in January.  She suggested giving the first year's membership in the chapter as an incentive to join the chapter.  The Kotans will be hosting Rockwood West's 4th annual Christmas party at their home on Wednesday, December 10th at noon.  She will send an email with further details.
Linda C made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded and approved.  Meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lee Smith

Wagonmaster's report:
Once again we gathered at Santee Lakes for the November rally.  Rich and Linda arrived first on Wednesday, followed by a number of coaches on Thursday with the remainder arriving on Friday afternoon.  The weather was great, no rain and, with the evening campfires supplied by Greg and Debbie, it was nice enough to stay outside after dark.
On Friday evening we had heavy hors d'oeuvres that were plentiful and very filling. 

On Saturday morning french toast, sausages and fresh fruit was served for breakfast followed by the meeting.  We had the use of the clubhouse for the entire day on Saturday and several of the ladies
took advantage and played Pokeno during the afternoon. There were several trips to the local GTM store and a few of the guys went hunting for garage sales. 
For dinner on Saturday Dennis and Bill cooked hamburgers, cheeseburgers and hot dogs on the grill.  We also had Santa Maria style beans, potato salad and green salad.  Dessert was homemade brownies with ice cream.  Russ Himmer's family also contributed to the dinner with salads and desserts.
 Rich also had several of his pictures on display in the clubhouse for all of us to admire.  He currently has a picture on display at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park.
On Sunday morning we had breakfast at the camp sites as the weather was pleasant and we no longer had the use of the clubhouse.  After breakfast most of us got ready and headed for home.  Steve and Mary Lee and Nick and Ramona stayed an additional day to take in the local casinos.  Sure hope they won.
Thanks to everyone who helped out during the rally.  Your help is always appreciated.
We hope to see all of you at the annual Christmas party at our house.
Dennis and Paulette

Photographs this month taken by Rich Strobel.