Friday, January 17, 2014

In mid-December Rockwood West held their third annual Christmas Party.  Everyone was asked to bring an unwrapped toy for the Toys for Tots program.  We ended up with a large selection of toys.  Thanks to everyone.  The weather was perfect and we were all able to sit outdoors and enjoy the good weather.  There was a lot of food to eat and plenty of things to drink.  It is nice to get together once in awhile without the coaches.  

The Western Area Motor Home Association recently held their rally in Indio January 8-12 with approximately 1200 motor homes attending.  The Chapter Fair was held on Wednesday January 8th immediately following the first timer's meeting.  The first timer's meeting was well attended and let out early.  Since both the first timer's and the chapter fair were held in the same building some chapters were not quite ready for the flood of folks that came early!

Wendy Holloway and her friend Sheri Brewer from Kennedale, TX once again worked the RWW table.  Lloyd and Sheri helped set up.  RWW had several craft projects and games on display along with the BEST chocolate candy giveaway: Ghirardelli chocolate!!!  Folks flocked to the table.  Sixteen RWW 2014 monthly rally schedules were given out.  Two couples were interested in joining and they were provided with Steve's phone number.  Numerous ladies wanted to purchase the craft items on display.
Wendy and Lloyd also participated in the parade.  Wendy drove Charlie Adcock's golf cart with Gloria (Charlie's wife, the first lady) and Sheri.  Lloyd was behind on Jon Walker's golf cart along with Tim Walker (Jon's brother.)  Gloria, Sheri, Tim and Lloyd threw out candy while Charlie and Jon walked the parade route shaking hands with onlookers and giving out dog bones to all the adorable beloved dogs.
WMHA's president Rick Ricordati and his team did an outstanding job with this year's event.  The gang is looking forward to next year when they can all be together again.
 Sheri, Wendy and FMCA President Charlie Adcock