Thursday, February 27, 2020

Palm Canyon State Campground, Borrego, Springs, CA

February 10-14

Hosts' Report- by Teddie Opteyndt

Thank you for all who attended the Palm Canyon Campground Rally in Borrego Springs. Everyone received a welcome bag which included information and history of Borrego Springs, along with a few other goodies! The weather was beautiful, which made it nice for all of our activities.

Such as.....The Visitors Center, the amazing Slot Canyon Hike, craft time-glass beaded heart, Sheep, the self guided tour of the Galleta Meadows Sculptures created by Ricardo Breceda (a must see)!

Can't forget about the food! Heavy hors d'oeuvres, a yummy pot luck, dinner and drinks at the famous Carmelita's Mexican Grill and Cantina and eight of us got to experience the delicious food at Carlee's.

Minutes of meeting 2/13/2020

Members present: Bob and Teddie Opteyndt, Nick and Ramona Escamilla, Steve and Mary Lee Smith, Rich Strobel, Bill and Sandy Vargo, Russ Himmer and Guests- Mary and Rusty Himmer, Jim and Ann Hauck (new members) and Dave and Cindy Long (members in process, just have to pick up their application info).

The meeting was called to order by president Greg Murrell. He led the members in the pledge of alledgience.  The hosts were thanked for a great rally. Guests were introduced.

The minutes were approved by the members as recorded on the blog.
The treasurer reported a balance of $1, 891.02.
Debbie, the treasurer reported that information had come to her that the club voted in the past to make a donation after the passing of club members.  The family would designate the charity and a donation of $50 from Rockwood West would be made.  A donation will be made to the memory of Dennis Kotan and Linda Strobel who passed away this year.
She also reported that FMCA had notified the club that a total of 5 members were no longer active:  Blakes, Bartletts, Cains, Cheshires, and Chetelats. The club now has 16 active memberships. The Haucks and Longs will be added to that.

The Escamillas volunteered to host another rally in St. George, Utah area.
October 25-31 at the Sand Hollow State Park
The Murrells volunteered to host a rally in North San Diego county in late Spring.
Nothing else is scheduled for the year.

Teddie mentioned the old whiteboard was in need of being replaced.  The members voted to purchase another one.

Teddie led us in this craft. Beautiful!
Walt and Pam Rose were missed.  They canceled their reservation due to the passing of Walt's mom.
The meeting was adjourned.

This one was on BOTH sides of the road!


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