Monday, May 7, 2012

MAY 2012
President's Message:
If you weren't at the Chula Vista rally you missed a fun outing.  Ramona hosted a children's party to celebrate Nick's 65th birthday.  We had plenty of games in the evenings and everyone had a great time. As usual, Linda Chetelat, prepared wonderful meals with very delicious food.  We have several rallies planned for the remainder of the year and I encourage everyone to attend.  I'm looking forward to our Lone Pine rally and participating in some of the Mule Day events in Bishop and I hope to see you there.
Paulette Kotan

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Chula Vista RV Resort and Marina
The meeting was called to order at 10 a.m. and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by president Paulette Kotan.
Members in attendance:  June and Jim Cheshire, Linda and Gerry Chetelat, Ramona and Nick Escamilla, Mike and Roger Gibson, Pat and Russ Himmer, Paulette and Dennis Kotan, Debbie and Greg Murrell, Cookie and Hal Ringhand, Mary Lee and Steve Smith, Linda and Rich Strobel, Sandy and Bill Vargo, and Lucille and Henry Yanoff.  Guests Pat and Dawn Foder.
A motion to approve the last meeting minutes as printed in the blog was made Dennis and seconded by Ramona.  The motion carried.
Treasurer's report showed a balance of $1,656.04.  Motion to accept by Linda Strobel, seconded by Pat.  The motion carried.
National Director's report by Nick in the absence of Lloyd advised nothing new, FMCA still considering towables as members.
Old Business: none
New Business:  Paulette stressed the need to respond to all emails sent out to the membership.  She puts an enormous amount of time into preparing the blog and not all of the members are reading it.  There is an abundance of information in the blog and you should take the time to read it.
It was also stressed that members need to respond to wagonmasters of future rallies if they have shown an interest in attending and are not able to attend.  The number of spaces reserved is based on that count.  Please have your fees in by the deadline indicated in the flyer as most RV parks want their money at least one month in advance.
Rich suggested we consider rallies during the week, since most of the members are now retired and in some cases the rates can be less expensive.  He is considering a rally in Pahrump this fall.  Nick suggested a weekday rally might be considered for Quartzsite in January and we thought he should do just that.
Lin reminded everyone of the deadline for the Lone Pine rally and if you hadn't given your money to Ramona, this was the last day to make your reservation.
Motion to adjourn made at 10:17 a.m. by Ramona, seconded by Greg.  The motion carried.

May 25-28 Boulder Creek RV Resort, Lone Pine, CA hosted by Escamilla and McAfee
September 21-23 Sweetwater Summit County Park, Bonita, CA hosted by Rose and Ringhand
October TBA hosted by either Himmers or Strobels
November TBA hosted by either Himmers or Strobels
We had a pleasant stay at the Chula Vista RV park, minor overcast and sunshine.  There were 13 rigs signed up.  Unfortunately, Cathy and her dad Duke were unable to attend.  We all missed them being with us.  We welcomed one guest rig, friends of the Cheshires, Dawn and Pat Foder.
On Friday night we had our customary happy hour abundant with appetizers.  Afterwards most of us played Bingo.  The exciting four games yielded three winners, Cookie winning two games and Linda and June each winning one game.  Some of the ladies remained in the lighted tent provided to us by the RV park to play Pokeno.  Since I was not there, my detective skills were challenged only to uncover mixed clues as to who won the most pennies.
 Saturday morning, following the hosted breakfast, we held our club meeting, one of the shortest of all time, a mere 17 minutes.  Greg and Debbie surprised us with their attendance and were fined, much to Greg's displeasure, one dollar for not having their badges.  They were given a cut rate since they didn't have their coach with them.  After the meeting the ladies participated in the craft of the month, making beaded bracelets.  I believe it was enjoyed by all and most of the ladies made at least two bracelets.
                                         Such concentration!!!
 Here, Ramona is modeling her bracelets.
 Ramona started the Saturday evening happy hour by surprising Nick with his 65th birthday party with balloons and toys that set the stage for the child in us all.  Nick is also retiring as of May 1st.
 With the help of my friends and their ovens, I managed to get the hosted lasagna roll dinner to the table on time.  Thank you all so much for your assistance.
 After dinner Ramona and Pat served birthday cake and ice cream to everyone.
 After dessert we had one of our Farkel tournaments with first and second places won by the Yanoffs and third place won by Paulette.
Sunday's parting after the continental breakfast was the conclusion of our visit with everyone and, at least me, looking forward to Lone Pine.
Linda Chetelat, wagonmaster

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